2025, Vol8 Issue1

Original article

A combination of ursodeoxycholic acid and Allium sativum prevents liver cirrhosis in cholestatic rats

Pratama NurmalikAdhuri,




J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther. 2025; 8(1): 192-199|Doi: 10.5455/jabet.2025.16
Original article

Role of CD117 and mast cells in periodontal diseases: Histological and immunohistochemical study

Fatin L.Khaphi,

Hanaa AliHussein


Zahra KadhumSaeed

J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther. 2025; 8(1): 182-191|Doi: 10.5455/jabet.2025.15
Short communication

Trajectory of human migration: Insights from autosomal and non-autosomal variant clustering patterns

Samayeta SarkarTuli,



Abu AshfaqurSajib

J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther. 2025; 8(1): 139-149|Doi: 10.5455/jabet.2025.12
Original article

Investigation on the effectiveness of progranulin as a novel predictive biomarker for allergic disorders

Nisreen W.Mustafa,

Zaid N.Elia


Shakhawan H.Hamid

J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther. 2025; 8(1): 116-124|Doi: 10.5455/jabet.2025.10
Original article

Evaluation of adipocytokines and oxidative stress biomarkers in sera of hemodialysis patients

Shahad F.Obeid,

Israa AbassRashed


Mohammed S.Al-Hindawi

J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther. 2025; 8(1): 79-90|Doi: 10.5455/jabet.2025.07
Original article

Genomic insights into multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains isolated from Dhaka, Bangladesh


K M Shayerul AbedinShayer



J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther. 2025; 8(1): 64-78|Doi: 10.5455/jabet.2025.06
Short communication

Nanoparticles of beetroot extract: A potential antimalarial adjuvant in Plasmodium berghei-infected mice

Fransisca PramesshintaHardimarta,

Lisyani BudipradigdaSuromo



J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther. 2025; 8(1): 55-63|Doi: 10.5455/jabet.2025.05
Original article

Gonadal health benefits of black cumin (Nigella sativa) seed oil on chronic lead-exposed male Wistar rats




Emdadul HaqueChowdhury

J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther. 2025; 8(1): 44-54|Doi: 10.5455/jabet.2025.04
Original article

Polymorphisms in the leptin gene and their role in adolescent obesity and metabolic health

Raden AyuTanzila,




J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther. 2025; 8(1): 32-43|Doi: 10.5455/jabet.2025.03

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