Editorial article| Open access | J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther. 2020; 3(1): 56-58.|doi: 10.5455/jabet.2020.d107

First two years journey: Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics


Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics (JABET) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Bangladesh Society for Microbiology, Immunology, and Advanced Biotechnology (BSMIAB). From the beginning, JABET is devoted to publishing the latest advances and discoveries in translational research in the field of Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences by providing a fast, honest, and impartial peer-review of submitted manuscripts. Papers published in JABET cover the clinical science and medical aspects involved in genetic, molecular, and cellular aspects of human, animal, environment, and plant subjects. JABET publishes full-length peer-reviewed articles reporting original research, reviews articles on the frontier topics, short communication, and editorial (invited contribution).
Establishing a new journal in a traditional field, for example, Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences is very challenging particularly if it based on a tiny society with very limited/no funding sources. Apart from these, the commitment of time, overall journal management skills, and finding the right people to bring it all together successfully are also major drawbacks. Hence, did we overcome all difficulties? Perhaps our readers and authors could answer the questions more appropriately. However, we are delighted for the first two year’s successes of JABET and present here just a few for our readers. From January 2018 to September 2019 (6 issues), the journal has received a total of 63 articles from 11 different countries (United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Korea, Turkey, Norway, India, Vietnam, Pakistan, and Bangladesh). With our limited resources and technical supports, we already published 38 articles so far. The current acceptance rate of JABET is 60 % for the submitted manuscripts (excluding some of our submitted manuscripts that are in the peer-review process), which is comparable with some prestigious mega journals, for example, Scientific Reports (56%) and PLOS ONE (~69%) [1, 2]. Typically, the manuscripts were processed from submission to publication (online first) within 6-9 weeks. In a very short period, the journal is indexed in approximately 30 national and international databases, including NCBI (NLM ID: 101745104), Google Scholar, CrossRef, CNKI scholar, and CABI abstracts, to facilitate widespread distribution of the published materials (a summary has been presented in Figure 1).
Almost all of our editors are a devoted bunch of professionals and practicing scientists of the relevant fields, and we take the great opportunity to thank them, in particular, our Editor-in-Chief, Professor Dr. Hunjoo Ha and Co-Editor-In-Chief, Dr. Md Jamal Uddin of Ewha Womans University, Korea for their constant support and guidance to uphold the scientific integrity and standard of the Journal. Managing a scientific journal is not possible without the help of a dedicated bunch of reviewers who particularly take part in the dynamic peer-review process. Of course, a peer-reviewed journal would not survive without the help of the reviewers. At this point, the Editors of JABET would like to take the great opportunity to thank the esteemed reviewers for their unpaid time and expertise to support JABET. We truly believe that constructive, transparent, and quality peer-review by the reviewers is the major strength of our journal. We have listed here some of our selective reviewers who evaluated over three submissions since January 2018 (Dr. Hasan Al Faruque, Dr. Anupom Mondol, Dr. Mir Rubayet Jahan) for JABET. Last but not least, JABET wouldn’t be in its current place without help from the authors and readers. Therefore, we would like to thank them all. We request our authors please submit your quality work to JABET for publication and do share/discuss the published content in your community/social media, if you find we published something interesting/worth reading.
From the beginning our major target is to publish only quality research and we are committed not to compromise with the quality for the quantity. Therefore, we have had an excellent two-years and looking forward to continue our journey in the future.

First two years journey: Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics
Figure 1. Summary of progress by JABET in the first two years.  


The authors acknowledge the cooperation related to editorial statistics received from Co-Editor-In-Chief, Dr. Md Jamal Uddin of Ewha Woman’s University, Korea.


This research received no external funding.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.


  • [1]Scientific Reports – Nature (About us). Web. https://www.nature.com/content/scirep-facts/index.html
  • [2]Journal Guide whitelist, PLOS ONE, https://www.journalguide.com/journals/plos-one.

Article Info

Academic Editor

Dr. Md Jamal Uddin, Ewha Womans University, South Korea.
23 October, 2019
18 December, 2019
07 January, 2020

Coresponding author

Md Saidur Rahman, E-mail: shohagvet@gmail.com, Fax: 82-31-670-3019, Telephone: 82-31-670-4841.

Cite this article

Rahman MS, Rahman MA. First two years journey: Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics. J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther. 2020; 3(1): 56-58.